2012年5月30日 星期三

Mixer principle(Ribbon mixer)

The mixer (ribbon mixer) is the use of mechanical force and gravity, two or more materials uniform mixing up the machinery. Mixing machinery is widely used in various industrial and everyday life. Mixer can be a variety of materials with a uniform mixture, such as cement, sand, gravel and water mixed into the wet concrete material, etc.; can also increase the material contact surface area, in order to promote the chemical reaction; also able to accelerate the physical changes, such as granular solute adding solvent, can accelerate the dissolution of the role of mixed mechanical mixing.
The mixer is divided into gas and low-viscosity liquid mixers(ribbon mixer), high viscosity liquids and pastes mixing machinery, thermoplastic material mixer, owder blender and granular solid materials mixed mechanical four major categories.
Gases and low viscosity liquid mixing machinery is characterized by simple structure, and no moving parts, maintenance repair a small amount of low energy consumption. Such hybrid machinery is divided into air mixing, pipeline mixing, jet mixing and forced circulation mix four.
Mixed mechanical, high-viscosity liquid and paste, generally with strong shearing; thermoplastic material mixer is mainly used for thermoplastic materials (such as rubber and plastic) mixed with additives; powdered, granular solid material mixed mechanical intermittent operation, including both the role of mixing and grinding machinery, such as wheel rolling machine.
Requires that all involved in the mixed material when mixed evenly distributed. The degree of mixing is divided into the ideal mixed randomly mixed and completely mixed three states. A variety of materials mixed in the mixing machinery, depending on the proportion of materials to be mixed, physical state and characteristics, as well as mixed mechanical type and blending operations continued and other factors. Liquid mixture depends mainly on the mechanical stirrer, air, and to be mixed with the liquid jet, so that the materials to be mixed by stirring, in order to achieve uniform mixing.
Stir caused by some of the liquid flow, liquid flow and to promote its surrounding liquid, results in the formation of circulating flow inside the melting, and thus the spread of the resulting liquid is called the main convection-diffusion. When the stir caused by the liquid flow rate is high, in the interface between the high-speed flow around the low-speed flow, shearing, resulting in a large number of localized whirlpool. Whirlpool quickly spread to four weeks, and again more liquid drawn into the whirlpool to the disorder in the small-scale convection-diffusion called eddy diffusion. Moving parts of the mechanical stirrer in the rotation will produce shearing of the liquid, the liquid flows through the wall and a variety of fixed components installed in the container, but also by the shearing action, these shearing will cause a lot of local eddy diffusion.RC-500
Mixing caused by the main convection-diffusion and eddy diffusion, an increase of the different molecular diffusion in the liquid surface area to reduce the diffusion distance, thus shortening the time of molecular diffusion. The viscosity of the liquid to be mixed is not high, can reach a random mixed state in the long mixing time; if the high viscosity, it would take longer mixing time.
Density, the composition is different, immiscible liquid, stirring the shearing and strong turbulence the density of the liquid tear into small droplets and dispersed evenly to the main liquid. Stirring the liquid flow rate must be greater than the settling velocity of the droplets.
Powdery solid and liquid mixing mechanism, a small amount of insoluble composition and density, the same mixing mechanism of immiscible liquids, but mixing can not change the particle size of powdered solids. Mixed before solid particles so that it can not be settling velocity less than the liquid flow rate, no matter what mixing method do not form a homogeneous suspension. A mixture of different paste materials to be mixed repeatedly split and make it be pressure, rolling, extrusion strong shearing action, followed by repeated merger, kneading, and finally reach the required degree of mixing. This hybrid is difficult to achieve the desired mix, only to achieve the random mixing. Powdery solid with a small amount of liquid mixed paste, mixed mechanism of the mixing mechanism and pasty materials......Common mixer has: Horizontal pear knife mixer, ribbon mixer, the weightless mixer, V-type mixer, the double helix cone mixer, double cone mixer, rotary cone mixer, spiral belt Mixer and so on.

ribbon mixer for industrial.
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Mixer principle(Ribbon mixer)

